PC World Komputer 2001 December
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Nullsoft WASABI Source File License
Copyright 1999-2001 Nullsoft, Inc.
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
Brennan Underwood
#ifndef _BUTTWND_H
#define _BUTTWND_H
#include "common.h"
#include "canvas.h"
#include "autobitmap.h"
#include "clickwnd.h"
#include "skinclr.h"
class Region;
typedef enum {
} ButtonJustify;
class COMEXP ButtonWnd : public BUTTONWND_PARENT {
virtual ~ButtonWnd();
virtual int onPaint(Canvas *canvas);
// methods to modify button looks
int setBitmaps(const char *normal, const char *pushed=NULL, const char *hilited=NULL, const char *activated=NULL);
int setBitmaps(HINSTANCE hInst, int normal, int pushed, int hilited, int activated);
int setRightBitmap(char *bitmap);
int setBitmapCenter(int centerit);
void setUseBaseTexture(int useit);
void setBaseTexture(SkinBitmap *bmp, int x, int y, int tile=0);
int setButtonText(const char *text, int size=DEFAULT_BUTTON_TEXT_SIZE);
void setTextJustification(ButtonJustify jus);
// id will be param1 in child notify msgs
void setButtonId(int id) { buttonid = id; }
int getButtonId() const { return buttonid; }
void setWantFocus(int want) { iwantfocus = !!want; }
virtual int wantFocus() const { return iwantfocus; }
void setRectRgn(int r);
virtual void onLeaveArea();
int getWidth(); // our preferred width and height (from bitmaps)
int getHeight();
virtual int onGetFocus();
virtual int onKillFocus();
virtual int onChar(char c);
virtual void setAlpha(int a);
virtual int getAlpha(void) const;
void enableButton(int enabled); // can be pushed
virtual void onLeftPush(int x, int y);
virtual void onRightPush(int x, int y);
virtual void onLeftDoubleClick(int x, int y);
virtual void onRightDoubleClick(int x, int y);
virtual int onResize();
virtual int onMouseMove(int x, int y); // need to catch region changes
virtual int onEnable(int is);
virtual int getEnabled() const;
virtual int getPreferences(int what);
virtual int userDown() { return userdown; }
virtual int wantClicks() { return getEnabled(); }
void setCheckBitmap(char *checkbm);
void setChecked(int c) { checked=c; }; // <0=nocheck, 0=none, >0=checked
int getChecked() const { return checked; }
void setHilite(int h);
int getHilite();
void setPushed(int p); // used by menus to simulate pushing
int getPushed() const; // used by menus to simulate pushing
void setAutoDim(int ad) { autodim=!!ad; } // nonzero makes it dim if there's no hilite bitmap
int getAutoDim() const { return autodim; } // nonzero makes it dim if there's no hilite bitmap
void setActivatedButton(int a);
int getActivatedButton() const;
void setBorders(int b) { borders=!!b; }
int getBorders() const { return borders; }
void setFolderStyle(int f) { folderstyle = !!f; }
void setInactiveAlpha(int a) { inactivealpha=a; }
void setActiveAlpha(int a) { activealpha=a; }
void setColors(const char *text="studio.button.text", const char *hilite="studio.button.hiliteText", const char *dimmed="studio.button.dimmedText");
virtual void freeResources();
virtual void reloadResources();
virtual int onActivateButton(int active);
virtual int onActivate();
virtual int onDeactivate();
virtual BOOL mouseInRegion(int x, int y); // from ClickWnd
AutoSkinBitmap normalbmp, pushedbmp, hilitebmp, checkbmp, rightbmp, activatedbmp;
SkinBitmap *base_texture;
Region *normalrgn, *pushedrgn, *hirgn, *currgn, *activatedrgn;
//CUT char *label;
int textsize, buttonid;
ButtonJustify textjustify;
// char *color_text,*color_hilite,*color_dimmed;
SkinColor color_text, color_hilite, color_dimmed;
String normalBmpStr, pushedBmpStr, hilitedBmpStr, activatedBmpStr;
int folderstyle:1;
int autodim:1;
int userhilite:1;
int userdown:1;
int activated:1;
int enabled:1;
int borders:1;
int hilited;
int iwantfocus:1;
int center_bitmap:1;
int use_base_texture:1;
int checked;
int xShift, yShift, tile_base_texture;
int rectrgn;
int alpha, inactivealpha, activealpha;